Found Objects

Production Manager

When a toy wooden girl finds herself buried in a junkyard, she discovers hope in the process of rebuilding her home and ultimately chooses to leave her past behind.


Found Objects is a 2D animated short film developed by Tiffany Kao, a fellow student at the USC School of Cinematic Arts.

During our collaboration, I oversaw the visual development of this project as Production Manager, ensuring assets were delivered on time and remained consistent to the story. By scheduling and tracking production milestones, we delivered a finalized portfolio for faculty.

Throughout pre-production, character designs and background layouts were developed to define our film’s characters and its unique look.

The junkyard, where the majority of the story takes place, was inspired by the Mojave desert - an environment which both Tiffany and I were familiar with. It is a desolate land filled with discarded objects from one’s past, so we wanted to reflect a wasteland we were both familiar with and held some sentimentality .